Codecademy is a website that teaches you how to do different elements of coding. For the course WRT 304 we were required to do three of these lessons which were Learn CSS, Learn HTML, and How to Make a Website with NameCheap. The image above a screenshot of my computer screen showing that I completed those lessons.

Before taking these lessons I have had very few experiences when it comes to coding. I was extremely nervous to do some coding because I feel like I wouldn’t understand it. When you pay attention to what they are trying to teach you it makes you realize that coding isn’t that hard and it’s quite fascinating. One of the lessons in the course Learn HTML that really amazed me was putting images and videos onto pages. I honestly thought that it would be a lot harder than it actually is. All you have to do for videos is: <video scr = “link to video” controls> </video>. Like I said I thought there would have been a lot more to it than that.

Learning how to code in colors was one of the lessons from Learn CSS that I really enjoyed. An example of that is: h1 {color: yellow}. I just found it fun learning about the different ways that color could be coded in along with the different tones, saturation, and lightness.

In How to Make a Website with NameCheap the lesson that I found most rewarding would have to be about site structure. I feel as though it will really help me because I am still a little unsure about that regarding my website. So being able to explore that and being able to read the code and manipulate it is a really nice skill to have.