Quick Link to Post: https://lsmith40.uneportfolio.org/eng-110/active-reading/3/

Outcome #3

The kinds of annotations that I included were understanding, questioning, relating, and extending. I used relating when she talked about how she felt like there was another bug still inside her so she kept looking for it. I understood that because I thought of how we all have that kind of fear. I used the example of pimples because when I pop pimples I start thinking that I haven’t gotten all the gross stuff out so I continue to try and get it out. This helped me better engage with the text by already knowing that feeling so I was better able to understand to a point what the author was trying to express. I used questioning when Jamison talked about how the doctors didn’t believe their patients. This better helped me understand and engage the text because it helped me understand what one of her points was in mentioning that part. It helped me engage by getting angry at the doctors and feeling empathy and sympathy for the people. I extended when she talked about how women are more empathic to women. It reminded me of what Bloom mentioned when he talked about the faults of empathy. He talked about how people of color will always show more empathy to those of color before those with white as their skin color. This helped me better understand the text by connecting it to something that I already understood. It helped me engage with the reading because I felt like I could understand the reading better. By feeling like I better understand it I was able to engage more into feeling as though I can understand the rest of it. I used understanding when I was confused about some words that were mentioned that I didn’t know. One example of that was pidgin jujitsu. I was trying to better understand the text. I also used understanding when I understood a point that was made in the text that made me realize I feel the same way. An example of this is when she talked about beauty standards. I made annotations about how I feel about beauty standards and how they restrict us. This helped me engage with the reading by having a mix of my own ideas with the reading. These annotations helped me set up my blog post by I already connected some of her reading to Bloom before reading the questions I had to answer. By questioning I was better able to understand where Jamison was coming from it helped me spot the similarities and differences. By relating I was able to have a clearer idea of what her definition of empathy was. By understanding, I was able to put my own input which helped me better understand the reading overall.

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