“The more you try to crush your true nature, the more it will control you. Be what you are. No one who really loves you will stop.”
― Cassandra Clare, City of Fallen Angels

I found this image on Creative Commons by searching for storms and following what was talked about in our Creative Commons licensing. I was looking for an image that would show impending doom or just chaos. This image doesn’t have the chaos aspect to me but it truly speaks to me when I think about the quote I chose. This image is from Richard Walker Photography. The quote is from the fourth book of the Mortal Instrument series written by Cassandra Clare. I don’t remember when exactly I read this series but what I do know is that it’s an amazing series. I knew I wanted to do a quote from a book that I had previously read because I wanted to be able to connect to it in more ways than one.

When I was younger I changed myself to fit in with my classmates. It took me until junior year of high school to realize it. This quote reminds me of that time and how I am now. Now I don’t try to do anything to change myself for others. If there is something about me that I want to change then it will only be for myself. This has helped me become stronger and help me like myself just the way I am.
